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Final Fantasy XIII-2's Ending Explained By Director

by Kyle Hilliard on Feb 05, 2012 at 10:57 AM

This does contain a spoiler about the ending of Final Fantasy XIII-2, but it's not as severe as you may expect. It's nothing that wasn't covered in our review of the game, but you have been warned.

So, at the end of Final Fantasy XIII-2, you get a "to be continued" message. Game director Motomu Toriyama explained at a Final Fantasy XIII-2 event at the Taipei Game Show 2012 that the ending doesn't necessarily guarantee a sequel. Instead, the "to be continued" is present to entice player to seek out the different endings, and Toriyama also expects DLC to expand the game further. We already know about this DLC, and episodes covering the exploits of Snow and Sazh were also hinted.

This of course doesn't completely rule out a new Final Fantasy XIII in the future, but for the moment you'll have to stick to DLC if you want to explore more of that universe.

[via Andriasang]