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Blizzard Has World Of StarCraft Videos Pulled From YouTube

by Phil Kollar on Jan 19, 2011 at 02:25 PM

Remember that awesome-looking World of StarCraft mod for StarCraft II that I posted about just yesterday? In a somewhat surprising move from Blizzard, the videos showing it off have been pulled from YouTube.

According to a post on the project's forums, Blizzard issued copyright infringement complaints related to all of the World of StarCraft videos, subsequently getting them taken down from YouTube. Notably Blizzard has not actually issued a cease-and-desist asking the creator to quit making the mod in question.

Rock Paper Shotgun muses that Blizzard is likely more worried about the modder's use of the name "World of StarCraft" -- something they may want to use in the future, even if they aren't now -- than they are about the project itself.

For his part, the game's creator, identified on the forums only as "Ryan," says he "hope[s] and pray[s] that we can come to an understanding" and that he's willing to change the name of the project if that's all Blizzard is concerned about. Here's hoping that this promising project isn't forced to shut down altogether.