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Guardian Of The Light PSN/PC Dated, DLC Announced, Co-op Clarified

by Meagan Marie on Aug 06, 2010 at 11:28 AM

We’ve got a slew of news from Crystal Dynamics today relating to their soon-to-be-released Summer of Arcade title Lara Croft and the Guardian of the Light, the most notable tidbit being that the game will launch without online co-op compatibility.

August 18 marks the release of Lara’s first downloadable title on Xbox Live, available for 1200 Microsoft Points. The debut of co-op play has been a highly touted selling point for the game, and Crystal clarified that cooperative play will be available offline at launch, but that online co-op will debut a month later with the launch of Guardian of the Light on PSN and Steam.

The specific date is September 28, when full online co-op support will launch for XBLA, PSN, and the Steam Network. The update will also integrate leaderboard support and voice chat for the XBLA version at that time.

“DLC for us means Downloadable Lara Croft,” said Darrell Gallagher, General Manager of Crystal Dynamics. “It all begins in August with Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light releasing on XBLA and runs through to the end of the year with the additional packs we will be offering. Oh, and be prepared for a few surprises.”

The DLC continues through the end of the year with five promised content updates. The first three are expansions containing new puzzles, exploration, and combat areas. The last two are a bit more cryptic, described as character packs that allow you to play Guardian of the Light with other well-known video game characters. Any guesses?

Look for our review of Lara Croft and the Guardian of the Light next week.