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reader discussion

Reader Discussion: Do You Want A New Jade Empire Or More Mass Effect?

by Jeff Marchiafava on Sep 25, 2011 at 02:04 PM

BioWare's Ray Muzyka recently stated the company has not given up on the possibility of a Jade Empire sequel. While the end of the Mass Effect trilogy is rapidly approaching, Muzyka has also said that the franchise will continue on without Shepard. So, I ask you this: After the release of Mass Effect 3, would you rather see BioWare start a new adventure set in the Mass Effect universe? Or resurrect its Eastern-inspired RPG?

I may have already revealed my own thoughts on the matter when I ended today's Jade Empire news story by demanding that BioWare start working on a sequel. However, it wouldn't be an easy decision for the developer to make. Mass Effect is wildly popular, and fans would undoubtedly eat up another game in the series after the trilogy is over. Additionally, with Shepard's story being complete, BioWare could take the franchise anywhere it wants to without being bogged down by the previous trilogy's legacy. Switching gears to dust off a relatively forgotten title from last generation would be risky even for a company like BioWare.

Still, I'd love to see the developer take another shot at the Jade Empire. Not only does the current-gen hardware offer a lot of exciting possibilities for the IP, but it would be interesting to see how BioWare's more recent titles in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series might influence a Jade Empire sequel.

What about you? Are you ready to return to the Way of the Open Palm (or Closed Fist)? Or is more Mass Effect too tempting to pass up? Share your thoughts in the comments below.