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New Trailer Returns Prince Of Persia To The Sands

by Matt Miller on Dec 14, 2009 at 07:03 AM

Ubisoft announced this weekend the upcoming release of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. The new game is going in an interesting direction for the franchise, returning the Prince to the universe of the Sands of Time trilogy, and exploring an adventure he had in the time period between the original Sands of Time game and its sequel, Warrior Within.

Few details have emerged about The Forgotten Sands, beyond a brief summary of story elements and the trailer we've included in this story. After his adventures through time in Azad, the Prince visits his brother's kingdom, only to find it under attack. He uses the Sands of Time to help defend the kingdom, and, as one might expect, trouble ensues.

Gameplay-wise, it appears that fans can look forward to a return to the classic style presented in the Sands of Time trilogy. He'll be fighting multiple enemies and completing acrobatic platforming in large open environments. In addition, the ability to manipulate time will now be joined by new abilities that alter nature. Specific details about these powers remain undisclosed.

The Forgotten Sands has no direct ties to the upcoming film adaptation, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. However, it would be hard to dismiss as coincidence the fact that this new Ubisoft game will be releasing in the same month as the new Bruckheimer-produced film adaptation. While the fictions of the two projects aren't tied together, both will likely reap the benefits of cross-promotion.

While the flagship version of the game will appear on PS3 and 360, separate versions of The Forgotten Sands are headed to Wii, DS, and PSP.

Are you pleased to see Ubisoft returning to the Sands of Time universe, or disappointed to not see more adventures with the new Prince and his beautiful companion, Elika?