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New Characters, Abilities Shown In Gameplay Video
by Dimitri Gedevanishvili on May 29, 2014 at 09:30 AM
Platform PC
Publisher Devolver Digital
Developer Free Lives
Rating Not rated

Free Lives has released a new trailer for Broforce showing off new characters, abilities, and a new enemy unit. The two new characters bring the total count to seventeen.

The Time Bro allows you to slow down time and wreak havoc on your foes. The Broniversal Soldier can revive friends as well as enemies to fight at your side.

In addition, your bro will be able to control a mechanized unit to further the destruction if you manage to take it down first. We have a fresh batch of screens available for viewing in the image gallery below.

To learn more about the other characters and abilities featured in Broforce, take a look here. Broforce is available now through Early Access on Steam and is set for a full release on PC later this summer.

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