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GI Show 193: Thief, DK Country: Tropical Freeze, Castlevania, PvZ

by Matt Helgeson on Feb 27, 2014 at 01:00 PM

We're back from the blizzard with discussion of some hot new releases.

We start off with Eidos-Montreal's much-anticipated Thief. While the game brings a lot of great stealth to the table, reviewer Ben Reeves and Matt Bertz have mixed feelings about the overall experience.

Next up is Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, another great first-party Nintendo for Wii U. Bryan Vore and Ben Reeves break down all the platforming goodness to host Matt Helgeson.

This episode's biggest disappointment is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Jeff Cork and Tim Turi were huge fans of the first LoS, and were really let down by the sequel. Listen into find out where it all went wrong.

Finally, Jeff Marchiafava and Tim Turi discuss the week's most unique title, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, an oddball shooter inspired by the popular mobile franchise.