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Jon Favreau To Write New Live-Action Star Wars Series

by Andrew Reiner on Mar 08, 2018 at 09:23 AM

Disney's upcoming direct-to-consumer streaming service is slated to hit in 2019, and Star Wars will be a big part of it. Disney CEO Bob Iger said "a few Star Wars series” are being created exclusively for this platform. One of these series is written and executive produced by Jon Favreau, who has previously worked with Disney as the director of The Jungle Book, and helped launch the marvel Cinematic Universe as the director of Iron Man.

In a statement published on, Favreau says "if you told me at 11 years old that I would be getting to tell stories in the Star Wars universe, I wouldn't have believed you. I can't wait to embark upon this exciting adventure." This won't be Favreau's first venture into the Star Wars universe. He provided his voice to The Clone Wars animated series, and will play an alien in this summer's Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Favreau's Star Wars series doesn't have a release date yet, but all signs point to Disney creating an enticing catalogue for the launch of its digital platform in late 2019.