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Upcoming SingStar Uses Your Smartphone As A Microphone

by Kyle Hilliard on May 21, 2014 at 09:04 AM

The upcoming SingStar, which is coming to PlayStation 3 and 4, abandons the necessity of a proprietary microphone in favor of your smartphone.

For the next entry in the series, as long as your phone and PlayStation 3 or 4 are connected to the same network, and have the free to download SingStar app, you will be able to use your Android or iOS device to sing.

If you prefer a microphone, your mics from the PlayStation 3 version of the game will continue to be compatible.

The game is planned for release in North America this fall. It will be free to download and will include 10 minute-long demo songs. Your backlog of owned SingStar songs will also continue to be compatible.

For some amazing SingStar action, check out this video of Kimberly Wallace and myself going to head to head. In case you don't feel like watching all the way to end – I definitely won.

[Source: Polygon]


Our Take
This is a smart move. SingStar is free to play, but the microphone still created a barrier to entry. Now, as long you've got a smartphone, you can sing. I suppose you can always sing, even without a phone. But now a computer will tell you how well you sing.