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"Expert Remix Chapter" Coming To Super Meatboy Next Week

by Jeff Marchiafava on Feb 11, 2011 at 09:15 AM

Hand cramps here we come: Team Meat has announced that the next free DLC chapter coming to Super Meat Boy contains 20 expert levels that are even harder than the rest of the game.

Team Meat tweeted that they are currently setting par times for the new levels, and that they hope to have the new chapter, along with the first user made chapter up and running on the Xbox 360 version of the game next week. You can check out a list of which levels are getting the expert overhaul right here, though the most significant entry is a tougher version of the first "Kid" level. That's the one that looks something like this:

Tim Turi wrote an entire feature trying to explain how to beat the original level, so I can't wait to see what Team Meat has in store for us now.