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When And Where To Use Halo Reach's Armor Abilities

by Dan Ryckert on Sep 14, 2010 at 12:27 PM


As of this writing, Halo Reach has been out for almost 18 hours and we have no doubt that many gamers have been playing nonstop since midnight. If you've stuck to the campaign thus far, you've probably had a taste of the seven armor abilities. While they're certainly helpful in the quest to save Reach, you'll be getting far more use out of them in the game's robust multiplayer.

While I did play a ton of the game for my review, I'm by no means on the level of a professional Halo player. My skills range from average to slightly above average depending on the match, but I did learn which abilities I preferred for which situation. Take a look below for how I like to use each of them.


The most basic armor ability. It doesn't grant you anything beyond what you'd see in Call of Duty or Battlefield, but it's still useful when you need to scramble to an objective as soon as possible. I didn't pick this one often, but it came in handy during a few rounds of Headhunter and Capture the Flag.

Drop Shield

If you're a team-minded player, you may find plenty of good use for this. It functions just like the Bubble Shield in Halo 3, but it will heal any friendly forces inside its perimeter (rather than just protecting them). If your team just ran into a particularly rough encounter with the enemy, dropping this ability will give all of you a welcome breather. Be careful, though...unlike the Bubble Shield, the Drop Shield can take damage and eventually be destroyed by the enemy.

Active Camo

Any fan of the series is bound to know how this one works. With this ability active, slipping into the shadows is made far easier. Useful if you're the type to hide behind a corner with an energy sword, just waiting for some unlucky sap to come your way. In theory, this would help with modes like Headhunter, but the number over your head instantly invalidates any camo you'd be using.


Probably the most talked-about ability from the beta, the jetpack allows you to easily scale multi-level maps. As long as you're in one of these areas, this ability is useful regardless of the game type. It's especially useful in modes like Crazy King or Headhunter that require you to quickly move around the map. If you'd rather just go for a super-satisfying kill, try getting an assassination after dropping down on an enemy from high above.


In any game mode, odds are you're going to have to dodge some grenades. With this ability, all it takes is a quick press of the left bumper to get out of harm's way. Useful for those all-purpose grenade moments, as well as modes like Rocketfight. It's not the flashiest armor ability, but it can be useful if used right.

Armor Lock

My personal favorite ability. It activates a sort of instant cover, giving your character momentary invulnerability. Ghost charging you? Go into armor lock and watch it bounce off you without taking away even a hint of your shield. Near death, but you're nowhere near cover? Armor lock and give your shields a chance to recharge. Plasma grenade lands at your feet but you don't have time to get away? You get the's useful. For an added bonus, release the lock near an enemy to zap their shields with the ability's short-range EMP.


I found this to be the most useful when I was pinned down by a pesky sniper. Let's say you're hiding behind a rock, and a sniper has you in his sights from an elevated position. All it takes is one well-aimed headshot to drop you, so even giving your enemy a half-second of confusion is a huge help. Send your hologram running to the right while you break to the left, and you've got a 50/50 chance of the jerk shooting at the wrong guy. Do it right and it'll give you plenty of time to get to the next cover.

I'm sure the millions of Halo players will find creative ways to use each of these, but these were my personal favorite applications during my time reviewing Reach. What's your favorite? Let us know in the comments.