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Tecmo Bowl Throwback Hinted By ESRB

by Annette Gonzalez on Feb 19, 2010 at 11:45 AM

While the Tecmo Bowl comeback has yet to be officially announced, an ESRB listing suggests there is one on the way for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

The ESRB description describes a few juicy tidbits:

"This is a top-down arcade-style football game in which players compete against teams around the country to become the 'Tecmo Bowl Champion.' Some of the football highlights are depicted in animated cutscenes (with better graphics); a few non-football highlights depict cheerleaders wearing low-cut tops while dancing. And a jumbotron screen displays a 2D swimsuit model with some exposed cleavage."

Does this mean a few of the ladies from Dead or Alive: Paradise will make an appearance?

What do you think of a potential Tecmo Bowl revival?