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A Spoiler-Filled Star Wars: The Force Awakens Discussion

by Ben Hanson on Dec 18, 2015 at 01:01 PM

Look, we know we are a video game website, but we can't ignore our enthusiasm for Star Wars. Game Informer's Tim Turi, Andrew Reiner, and Ben Hanson watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens last night and decided to save their discussion for the mics. We want to stress that the video below spoils anything and everything involved with the film, so don't watch it unless you've already watched the movie or are a sick nihilist or something. We talk about what we saw as the best and worst moments of the film and break down all of the characters, new and old. Please leave comments below to let us know what you thought of the film and exactly how right or wrong we are.

Watch the lively discussion below to hear us debate the quality of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and speculate about the future of the series.

If you prefer not to see our faces, you're welcome to listen to an audio-version of the discussion by downloading the link below.