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The Orchestrator Of The Fake Super Smash Bros. Rayman Leak Tells Us Why He Did It

by Kyle Hilliard on Feb 15, 2015 at 08:15 AM

Fake leaks and falsified video game documents appear online every day, but Omni Jacala's fake Super Smash Bros. Rayman leak is a cut above the rest. The attention to detail and amount of original artwork created fooled many. Even in retrospect, it's hard to distinguish Jacala's work from the real thing.

When he's not creating fake Super Smash Bros. leaks, Jacala is a freelance graphic designer. He recently worked with a non-profit company called Rice Bowls to help create a game called Hunger Crunch, which you can learn more about here. The game was released to help fight hunger around the world and 100% of its in-game purchases go to helping feed orphaned kids around the world.

We sent Jacala a few questions about creating the Rayman leak to find out why he did it, and learn how he feels about almost getting away with it.

Game Informer: Why did you do it?

Omni Jacala: Essentially, I wanted to start doing more art requests with time lapse video on my YouTube channel, and the idea of making a "leak" about it came later. I had tried doing another fake leak of Klonoa just for fun before E3, and that got debunked very quickly, but I always had the idea in the back of my mind to try to do a better one. I also wanted to learn After Effects so I could use that for future videos, so that was a large part of why I wanted to produce a "leak." I suppose I could have just used it for practice and never tried to post it online, but I wanted to see what would happen.

Do you consider this a prank? Or are you using it as an interesting way to showcase your work?

Jacala: I guess it's a prank no matter what I call it, but overall, I just wanted to get my channel in front of the eyes of the Smash community so that I could have an open dialogue for suggestions for future art I do. I had no idea it would spread this far.

Have you received any negative feedback for the "leak"?

Jacala: I have, but overall, it's been pretty positive. I'm very grateful to the people who are showing their support, in spite of the fact that I just tried to deceive everyone.

Is Rayman the fighter you would most like to see added to Super Smash Bros.? Or did he just seem like the most believable addition?

Jacala: If I could add literally anyone I want, it'd have to be Klonoa, just because he's a favorite of mine. But he's certainly not the most deserving. Rayman seemed believable because he already has a trophy on which to base my art.

For more on Jacala's fake Rayman project, head here.