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Profile picture for user GIBryan

Bryan Vore


Exclusive Review: The Blocks Of Rock

It’s easy to be skeptical of LEGO Rock Band as a quick cash grab, but
Traveller’s Tales’ trademark LEGO silliness blended with a few
interesting new mechanics from Harmonix elevates the game to a level
fans of both series shouldn’t brush off.

Guitar Hero: Van Halen Hands-On

As part of the Guitar Hero 5 buy one get one free promotion, I got Guitar Hero: Van Halen in the mail today and have played it for a couple hours. So what’s it like?

Guitar Hero: Van Halen Has Arrived

Last month I bought Guitar Hero 5, filled out an online form, and
mailed out a sticker. This morning a copy of Guitar Hero: Van Halen
showed up encased in a thin cardboard sleeve.

Hands-On With Portable Hell

We’ve seen a lot of the home console versions of Dante’s Inferno, but EA’s pre-TGS event offered some hands-on time with the portable edition.

Rage: Welcome To The Wasteland

Enter the wasteland as we take you through a full hour and a half of
straight gameplay and address the burning questions that have remained
unanswered since Rage’s initial announcement two years ago. Just don’t
ask when it’s coming out.

Rage: Welcome To The Wasteland

Enter the wasteland as we take you through a full hour and a half of
straight gameplay and address the burning questions that have remained
unanswered since Rage’s initial announcement two years ago. Just don’t
ask when it’s coming out.

Rage: Welcome To The Wasteland

Enter the wasteland as we take you through a full hour and a half of
straight gameplay and address the burning questions that have remained
unanswered since Rage’s initial announcement two years ago. Just don’t
ask when it’s coming out.