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Weekend Warrior 7/24/2015

by Christian Belland on Jul 24, 2015 at 02:00 PM

It looks like The Witcher 3 and Batman: Arkham Knight are still dominating our weekends here at GI, but the surprise hit Rocket League has managed to grab some attention for itself. There's plenty going on during the next few days, with lake houses and family visits all the way to QuakeCon and broken computers. Miraculously, we will still find time to play some video games.

What do you plan on playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments!

Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner): I'm at QuakeCon for the weekend. If you're at the show, come check out my panel with Geoff Keighley, Adam Sessler, Andrea Rene, and Pete Hines. We're discussing 20 years of gaming!

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea): I’ve got nothing but time this weekend, so I’ll be playing a ton of games ranging from The Witcher 3 and Batman: Arkham Knight to MLB 15: The Show, Rocket League, and Journey.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard): My brother and mother are in town visiting, so I'll be spending time with them. If I get my hands on any video games they'll probably be handheld. I would play Witcher, but I accidentally left my PlayStation 4 at the office.

Ben Hanson (@Yozetty): This weekend I'm going to be reading a lot by a lake. I'm also planning on playing some more arcade games and hopefully training up my Street Fighter 2 skills. Also, thanks to Seth Killian's recommendation on the newest episode of The Game Informer Show I'm going to also check out Virtua Fighter 2. Oh, I'll also probably play some Avalon, Quiplash, and Rocket League as well.

Tim Turi (@TimTuri): The island of Skellige is behind me, so it’s off to new adventures in The Witcher 3 for me. I also hope to finally dive into Rocket League and try to hone my Street Fighter skills.

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM): I have temporarily delayed my witching activities in favor of Arkham Knight. The combat doesn’t feel substantially different from previous games and the tank battles are boring, but so far the story has me intrigued enough to keep playing (some of the Riddler’s puzzles have also been entertaining, even if he talks too freakin’ much). I may also jump back into PlanetSide 2 a bit this weekend to check out the latest patch and shoot some dudes, because that never really gets old.

Hershall Cook (@HershallCookThis weekend I plan to take a break from my Rocket League vendetta in order to play some Madden NFL 10 on the Wii. The Wii Madden games are very underrated, offering precise motion controls and – just kidding. I’m spending the next two days at my family’s cottage and Madden 10 is the only game we have.

Alissa McAloon (@GliitchyThis weekend will be filled with tearful prayers as I try to get my PC running again. I recently picked up Batman: Arkham Knight for the PC, but it’s hard to play it if my computer won’t output to my monitor. If all else fails, I’ll probably just play Destiny or Rocket League all weekend. Heck, even if I get my PC up and running I’ll probably still just play those two.