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As NBA 2K15 Has Server Problems, EA Touts NBA Live ‘Server Stability’

by Mike Futter on Oct 13, 2014 at 12:10 PM

EA has detailed a partnership with Synergy Sports Technology that will keep NBA Live 15 players connected to events in the NBA. In an extensive post on the subject, EA touts its “server stability” as a key part of the strategy.

Synergy Sports specializes in analytics that will be funneled to NBA Live 15, which EA Sports will use to modify player behavior. The results impact player ratings and performance in the Live Seasons and Tonight’s Games modes.

EA says it will also use the data from real games to create Live Season challenges and Big Moments that players will be able to re-enact. “Our server stability ensures that your game will be seamlessly updated – with adjustments being made to player ratings, tendencies and behavior,” EA writes. 

We’ll find out how that promise is fulfilled on October 28 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For more on NBA Live 15, check out our preview from early October.

[Source: EA Sports]


Our Take
The bit about server stability caught my attention for two reasons. First, as we mentioned in our review, NBA 2K15 is having server problems. This follows connectivity issues present in last year’s version. This reads like a not-so-subtle jab at the competition.

Second, until the pattern changes, EA making claims about server stability will pique our interest. This is the second time in as many weeks that EA has touted online performance (the first being a comment about Battlefield Hardline). For the sake of both publisher and player, I hope these promises are fulfilled.