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PlayStation Plus Subscribers Get Demon's Souls Free

by Andrew Reiner on Apr 01, 2013 at 05:38 PM

The free games keep on coming. Starting tomorrow PlayStation Plus subscribers can download From Software's brilliant and punishing PlayStation 3 title, Demon's Souls. If you haven't played a "Souls" game yet, this is your chance to experience one of the most satisfying games of this console generation.

Former Game Informer associate editor, Phil Kollar, does a great job of summarizing this game in his review. "Demon’s Souls has received a lot of hype for being monstrously difficult, and while it’s clearly not the kind of game you can pass in a weekend, its finer points shouldn’t be lost in all the fear. This game is tough, but also rewarding, interesting, evocative, and, in its own special way, brilliant. Add in extensive new game-plus options and the strangely compelling multiplayer, and Demon’s Souls is one of the first truly great Japanese RPGs of this generation, and certainly the most remarkable."

Sony also posted listings for the other free games planned for April. Subscribers can look forward to downloading Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny, Malicious, Labyrinth Legends, and Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge as the month unfolds.

[via PlayStation Blog]