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Double Fine Knows How To Take A Joke...Book

by Ben Reeves on Mar 13, 2013 at 12:43 PM

Game Informer's yearly parody of gaming news, Game Infarcer, is great at predicting the future, but sometimes it just inspires people. Developer Double Fine responds to one of this year's jokes in a surprising way.

Game Infarcer ran a story about Double Fine deciding to utilize its humorous talents to create a new joke book. Well, the fine fine folks at Double Fine seem to like the idea and have created this webpage. For reference, below is the blurb that appears in the April issue of Game Informer Magazine.

A Fine Day to Laugh: The Double Fine ­Joke ­Book
Tired of making games praised primarily for their humor, developer Double Fine has created a product that highlights the company’s real talent. Inside Double Fine’s new joke book you’ll find dozens of double entendres about swordplay, five flower/flour puns, and a few old pieces of concept art from Brütal Legend that the company really wanted to use somewhere. Sadly, Double Fine ran out of jokes mid-development, and was forced to crowdsource the remaining limericks to complete the project.
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