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NPD: Nintendo's 3DS Leads Interest In 3D Gaming

by Matthew Kato on Aug 05, 2011 at 06:53 AM

According to the NPD Group, the 3DS is producing an increased interest in 3D gaming even though the overall intent to purchase the medium is declining.

The industry analyst group announced in a press release that although exposure to 3D experiences in theaters, home TV, etc. has increased, the intent to buy specific 3D products has declined since a similar analysis of consumer attitudes was performed last October.

Nintendo's 3DS handheld has – predictably – increased consumers' awareness of 3D handheld gaming from five percent last October to 13 percent in May. The device has also overcome consumer's top-two concerns about the medium: The need for glasses and a high price tag. Certainly this latter concern is even more alleviated thanks to the 3DS' new price tag.

The NPD didn't mention what the interest is in home-based 3D gaming, as enabled by Sony's PS3 system and its TVs, but given that people are concerned about cost and having to wear glasses, we have to think that 3D is not likely to take off any time soon.