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Celebrate Dragon Quest's Anniversary With Toys

by Joe Juba on May 14, 2011 at 03:04 PM

Square Enix is honoring Dragon Quest's 25th anniversary with a collection on Wii, but that's not all. Gamers can also commemorate the occasion with some special toys.

One of them is (of course) a slime, which is the most iconic enemy from the series. Sadly, it looks like these toys are currently only slated for a Japanese release, so you may have to import if you're a huge fan of the series.

The full slime is pictured below, but you can check out all three of the toys (and their pricing and release windows) over at Andriasang. Maybe it would help if you thought of buying one as a form of philanthropy. After all, Square Enix needs the money right now.

(Source: Andriasang)