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Hackers Attack Deus Ex Website, Square Enix Responds

by Jeff Marchiafava on May 13, 2011 at 07:22 AM

Just in case the recent PSN/Anonymous debacle hasn't got you down, here's a new hacking scandal for gamers to worry about. Eidos' Montreal website and Deus Ex website were recently attacked by hackers who are reportedly a splinter group of a splinter group of Anonymous.

Krebs On Security is reporting that the job appears to have been perpetrated by hackers associated with a user named "Ryan," who is allegedly responsible for taking over Anonymous' IRC channels. However, the hackers of Eidos' websites apparently framed Ryan for the attack, suggesting either a further splintering of Anonymous' forces, or just general hacker tomfoolery.

Square Enix responded to the attack, detailing the damage, which wasn't very bad: 350 resumes were downloaded during the hack, as well as 25,000 email addresses. Square Enix says that no personal information was linked to the emails, and no billing information was stolen.

Eidos' websites are now back to normal.

[via Joystiq]