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Profile picture for user GIJeffM

Jeff Marchiafava


Nier Screenshots

If you read this issue's preview of Nier and are craving more media of the game, here are some new screens to keep you happy.

BC2 Demo Is Stupidly Fun

t rather so fun that my enjoyment of
it just plain stupid – how else can I explain spending countless hours
on a one level, one mode demo, when I have so many other amazing games to play?

F.E.A.R. 3 On The Way?

If anonymous web sources and a pretty authentic looking casting call is
to be believed, then yes, F.E.A.R. 3 is probably on the way.

Unreal Engine 3 Coming to iPhone

A lot of people don't take iPhone games very seriously, but Epic Games
sure does. The company behind Gears of War and Unreal Tournament is
porting its much touted Unreal Engine 3 to Apple's iPhone 3GS and iPod