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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13

Tiger Is Swinging Easy With Kinect
by Matthew Kato on Jan 24, 2012 at 04:15 AM
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Publisher EA Sports
Developer EA Orlando
Rating Everyone

Even though the Tiger franchise won't be appearing on the Wii this year, fans of motion-based golf can easily find solace in playing the game with Xbox 360's Kinect.

In the video below, you can check out lead designer Mike DeVault as he walks through just a few of the things you can do with Kinect in the game. Pretty much everything – whether that's an in-game action or a menu command – can be done using the peripheral. As you can see, you can change your club, stance, shot placement, and more using Kinect. Of course, these peripheral-based actions (using both motion and voice commands) work in tandem with the game's new swing mechanics.

With so many of Tiger 13's actions controllable via Kinect, let's hope the experience is nice and smooth. The last thing we need is more slice on our drives!

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13cover

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
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