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Mysterium Launches Across Digital Platforms

by Matt Miller on Jan 12, 2017 at 09:57 AM

A popular trend over the last several years has been the adaptation of strong tabletop games into digital incarnations, including excellent titles like Elder Sign, Eclipse, and Ticket to Ride. The latest project to make the transition is Mysterium. The tabletop version of this cooperative game of deduction has been handed numerous awards since its release in 2015, including being named as one of Game Informer’s Best Tabletop Games of 2015

Asmodee Digital has since adapted the project into a video game, allowing up to seven players to work together to solve the mystery of an unsolved death in a haunted mansion. One player controls the ghost, and they have only limited ways, in the form of visions, to communicate the circumstances of their passing to the other players, who control psychics. Up to seven players can work together to solve the puzzle. The new video game version also includes a solo story mode that promises several hours of investigations. 

You can watch the full trailer below to see if Mysterium might be for you. The game is out today on Steam ($9.99), iOS ($6.99), and Android ($6.99). For more on recommended tabletop games, check out our Top of the Table hub.


Our Take
I'm eager to try out this digital version of Mysterium. I play and evaluate a lot of board games, and Mysterium is one of my favorites from recent years.