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gamescom 2015

Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Getting Mass Effect Crossover Mech

by Jeff Cork on Aug 04, 2015 at 10:46 PM

Sometimes a pun is too good to go to waste. That's what happened with Grass Effect, PopCap's homage to BioWare's epic space adventure. Now, Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 players will be able to stomp around the garden in a special mech kitted out in Mass Effect style.

The Z7 mech is equipped with advanced armor, and should help zombie players lay waste to those pesky plants. It's available as a bonus for players who preorder the game at participating retailers.

In addition, the company revealed three new characters, from the plant side of the equation. Rose is a powerful sorceress who can transform enemies into harmless goats. Colonel Corn (PopCap loves their puns) can call in air support and blast zombies into smithereens with red-hot streams of popcorn. Citron is a futuristic orange that can provide support via shields and other gadgets.

The game also has a new hub, where players can meet up with friends and then take the party online. PopCap also showed off a new moon-based mission, which highlighted the trio of new heroes.