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Help Stephen Colbert Escape A Man-Sized Cabinet In This Text Adventure Video Game

by Kyle Hilliard on Jul 18, 2015 at 07:13 AM

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert doesn't premiere for two months, and apparently the comedian is using the free time to program text adventure video games (or getting someone to do it for him).

You can check out the game here, which is unsurprisingly funny, and is the one opportunity (that I am aware of) where you get be Stephen Colbert.

Colbert is a fan of nerd culture taking every opportunity to profess his love for all things Tolkien and Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. He had Anita Sarkeesian as a guest on The Colbert Report to discuss video games, had Rock Band in his green room and often got bands like Rush to play their own songs, and his song "Charlene (I'm Right Behind You)" was featured as a track in the game, but I don't know if he is a gamer himself.

Regardless if he plays games or not himself, he clearly has a respect and appreciation for the medium and understands its cultural relevance.

Thanks to Sam "Carcosam" Caloras for the news tip!

[Source: CBS]