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reader discussion

Reader Discussion: What Is Your Favorite Collector's Edition Ever?

by Brian Shea on Jul 13, 2015 at 03:49 PM

Last week, we gave you our picks for the best collector's editions of 2015. The list is varied and features titles from multiple genres and publishers, but the games all have one thing in common: they have the potential to drain your bank account with enticing bonuses.

Expensive collector's editions are nothing new, however. I have fond memories of unboxing some of the greatest collector's editions of the past decade and finding a spot for the bonus pack-in items. I have my Halo 3 Master Chief helmet prominently displayed in my apartment, and I went out of my way to hunt down all of the Mass Effect and Gears of War collector's editions even though some of them were quite pricey. Even though I never splurged on any of them, I also love all of the collector's editions of the Batman: Arkham series – at least until the Arkham Knight collector's edition was unceremoniously canceled due to quality issues with the Batmobile.

Which collector's editions stick out in your mind as your favorite? Are there any you regret skipping? Does your favorite collector's editions coincide with your favorite games?