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Welcome The Summer 2015 Game Informer Interns

by Tim Turi on Jun 01, 2015 at 09:15 AM

New video game releases tend to dry up during the summer, which can make the entire scene appear rather dull from an outsider's perspective. From the inside the industry, however, there are few times in the year that are more exciting. With the huge announcements and surprises of E3 right around the corner, we're happy to introduce Game Informer's intern crew for summer 2015. These awesome writers will be helping us cover all things video games for the next three months as they further their knowledge of working in the industry.

Expect to see plenty of news, features, and more popping up on the website from Alissa McAloon, Christian Belland, and Hershall Cook (click their names and get to know them better by reading their introductory blog posts). Alissa, a fellow Midwesterner, joins us in Minneapolis with experience writing at gaming websites Twinfinite and Destructoid under her belt. Christian has traveled in from the East Coast following time spent pursuing the film industry and writing for several gaming websites. Hershall practically beelined to Game Informer from Spain, where he was studying abroad and suffering from a severe lack of video game access. We're excited to have these fine folks on board, so please extend a warm welcome!

Are you considering a career in video games writing? If you’re looking to further your existing writing or journalism education through an internship at Game Informer, we’re currently accepting applications for the upcoming fall term.  For more information, email me at the address below, or click here to learn more. 

More of a video person than a writer? We have great news for you! We're happy announce that we're now accepting applications for a video intern position for this fall. Please email Ben Hanson for more information.