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This Is What Half-Life 2's Combine Invasion May Have Looked Like In Its Early Stages

by Kyle Hilliard on Jan 11, 2015 at 11:42 AM

By the time Half-Life 2 begins, the Combine invasion is well on its way. This video imagines what the invasion might have looked like in its early stages. Buildings are still intact, it's bright and sunny, and crates of ammo and explosive red barrels are intermittently placed instead of showing up everywhere.

The video, which is simply described, "Elements from Half-Life 2 composited into my neighbourhood," comes from Nick Bertke. Bertke is better known on the Internet by his musician pseudonym Pogo. Under that name, he creates impressive remixes of movie soundtracks like this from Disney's Alice in Wonderland, but he also dabbles with video game remixes, as well. You can find a Borderlands video he created here.

[Source: Nick Bertke, via Reddit]