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Welcome The GI 2014 Summer Interns

by Matt Miller on May 27, 2014 at 10:39 AM

Every few months, we’re fortunate to have the opportunity to share a little of the work we do at Game Informer with a new group of aspiring writers and journalists through our internship program. As we steer into the summer months, another team of interns has joined our ranks, and they’re ready to introduce themselves.

Our summer 2014 interns come to us from all across the country, but they share a common love of video games and writing about those games. The next three months affords them an opportunity to share that excitement about the field with the rest of the Game Informer community. You’ll see news, features, previews, and more from them popping up onto the Game Informer website in the coming weeks, and they'll be helping out with all the craziness that comes in the weeks before, during, and after E3. 

If you like, you can get to know each of them a little better through their introductory posts to the community. Harry Mackin, Wayne Stainrook, and Dimitri Gedevanishvili are three names you’ll be seeing a lot of – so make sure and say hello!

Are you interested in the Game Informer internship program? For more information about our editorial internship positions, as well as upcoming available terms, email me from the link below.