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Capcom Updates Online Service Status In Wake Of Gamespy Shutdown

by Dan Ryckert on May 12, 2014 at 09:02 AM

As you might have heard, Glu is shutting down the Gamespy service in a move that will affect hundreds of developers and publishers. One such publisher is Capcom, and the company has just released an official update on how its games' online services will be affected.

Over on Capcom Unity, the official word is out on the following titles:

  • Lost Planet 3 – Migrating to new service, and leaderboards and play stats will be reset. Xbox 360 version is unaffected.
  • Age of Booty – No plans to migrate.
  • Flock – No plans to migrate.
  • Street Fighter III: Third Strike – Already migrated, no issues reported.
  • Marvel vs. Capcom Origins – Already migrated, no issues.

Our Take:
It's always a shame when online services shut off, and companies have to prioritize what games keep the lights on. Their fighters like Street Fighter III and Marvel vs. Capcom Origins seem to be the top priority, which makes sense considering the competitive nature of the genre.