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Reunite With Your Entourage In Final Mass Effect 3 DLC

by Louis Garcia on Feb 21, 2013 at 07:15 AM

Commander Shepard's tale truly comes to an end in Mass Effect 3 with two final downloadable content packs for single-player and multiplayer.

Citadel will thrust players into the center of a conspiracy targeting Commander Shepard. Players will visit the Citadel’s Wards, as well as the Council Archives, as they team up with the cast of the first two games – including fan favorite Urdnot Wrex – to figure out the mystery. 

The DLC also adds a casino to test your luck, the Armax Combat Arena, and the ability to furnish Shepard’s living quarters on the Citadel. BioWare also promises the chance to rekindle romances.

Citadel releases on March 5 for 1200 Microsoft Points ($15) on Xbox 360, $14.99 for PlayStation 3, and 1200 BioWare points ($15) for PC. 

On the multiplayer front, players will receive Reckoning free of charge on Feb. 26 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. Reckoning adds the Geth Juggernaut, Female Turian Raptor, Talon Mercenary, Alliance Infiltration Unit, and a Krogan Warlord to the battle. The Geth Spitfire weapon will also be added, along with six other new weapons. 

[Source: BioWare]