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Voice Actor Teases Work On New Kingdom Hearts Game

by Kimberley Wallace on Jan 24, 2013 at 12:52 PM

Jesse McCartney who voices the blue-eyed Roxas posted a treat for fans on his Instagram account today.

McCartney posted this picture with the caption, "For all you Kingdom Hearts Fans. Recording the next chapter!"

Of course, this could be anything, but my money is on it having to do with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix. The picture shows Roxas and Axel, a pivotal relationship in 358/2 Days. 

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix includes Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Re:Chain of Memories, and 358/2 cutscenes for theater mode in HD.

No matter what the project is, it does give Kingdom Hearts fans something to look forward to, provided McCartney isn't trolling us.

What do you think is it?

[Via: Kotaku]