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Weekend Warrior 01/14/11

by Annette Gonzalez on Jan 14, 2011 at 01:00 PM

As the snow keeps piling up here in Minneapolis it just gives us more reason to hide out from the cold and play some games. Read on to find out what games are on our to-do lists, then tell us what you're playing over the weekend in the comments section!

Andy: This weekend I have a number of drunken dinners planned after long days of watching the best weekend in the entire NFL season. So yeah, I’m not going to be playing many games, but this weekend only happens once a year and I want to cherish it for all it’s NFL playoff glory. Ok, I lied. I will most likely end up playing Picross 3D and some Warcraft while I while watch. I can’t help it.

Reiner: Most people I know are suffering from some kind of post-holiday sickness. My response to this is to quarantine myself in game room and play as many games as I can. I'll be playing plenty of Killzone 3, as well as finishing up the co-op campaign in Army of Two: The 40th Day. When I need a break from gaming, I have a backlog of movies to get to. I'm thinking I'll watch either Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Splice, or The Town. I usually only have time for one film. Which one do you recommend I watch?

Kato: Still working my way through Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and frankly I’ve been kind of irked by the first third of the game – which I find weird considering how much I loved AC II. But now I’m more into the swing of things, and I expect the rest of the title to be a little more smooth sailing. I’ll probably also take Test Drive Unlimited 2 home to do some work on my review. There’s so much to see and do throughout the islands.

Joe: Well, I got back into World of Warcraft this week, so I’m going to spend plenty of time seeing how Azeroth has changed in my several-year absence. I’ve already started up a Death Knight, and I’ll be surprised if most of my weekend isn’t spent in service to the Lich King.

Bryan: After finishing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood I'm up for something completely different. Gonna play Ilomilo co-op and hopefully finish it.

Deadline is among us so I'll be playing a game for review this weekend. On the bright side, it's a game I've been anticipating long before I previewed the Japanese version...and I'll leave you with that. Ok, fine you got me. It's Pokémon Black.

Jeff M:
This weekend I will partake in the second Pinball FX 2 tournament. Biolab is the featured table, and even though I’m not great at it, it’s one of my favorite tables. When I’m not playing pinball, I’ll probably play some more Oblivion and ModNation Racers.

Tim: I’m going to be honest with you. This hurts to admit – I won’t be playing any games this weekend. I’ve been having trouble with ridiculous eye strain since my gaming marathons over our winter break. It seems too many late nights playing Black Ops and WoW have caught up with me, and my eyes need to cool off. I plan to catch up with some friends and comic books. And booze.

Probably braving the snow tonight to hit the bars. Tomorrow is the Drinking Spelling Bee. It looks like I’ve recruited Phil and Annette to join up this week, so it should be pretty awesome. In terms of gaming, I’ll probably work on some Battlefield Vietnam. Also, I’ll be watching playoff football on crappy internet streams since I canceled cable.

That's it for us. What are you playing this weekend?