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Hey, Remember Sony’s Move? It’s Still Selling

by Ben Reeves on Nov 08, 2010 at 07:30 AM

With all the hullabaloo surrounding Microsoft’s Kinect this last week it would be easy to forget that Sony launch it’s own motion sensing peripheral more than a month ago. Sony hasn’t forgotten; in fact, the company seems pretty happy with how its new controller set-up is selling.

Did you know that Sony shipped more than 1 million Move units to North and Latin America in its first month? Or that more than 60 percent of people interested in buying the Move already own a motion sensing system with the Nintendo Wii? Sony cooked up an infographic including many of these facts to help spread the good news regarding the PlayStation Move. Check it out below.

Do you have one yet? What do you think? If you don’t, what’s stopping you from buying one?