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Microsoft Not Expecting Kinect Review Scores To Equal Sales

by Matthew Kato on Oct 29, 2010 at 06:52 AM

Aaron Greenberg, Microsoft's chief of staff for Microsoft's interactive business, says that he doesn't know what to expect for the review scores for Kinect's launch lineup, but even if there are some low scores it won't damper the peripheral's sales.

Greenberg told Eurogamer that with an experience like Kinect you can throw the traditional relationship between a review score and sales out the window.

"I don't know how reviewers will grade those games because they're so unique and so different to what the reviewers have played with controllers. We'd love to see great reviews but I don't think you'll see the same type of correlation between reviews and actual sales of the game, would be my guess."

Regardless of what the games score, Greenberg – who expects Kinect to sell three million units worldwide before the end of the year – thinks Kinect will be big business this holiday season, outselling the launch of both the Wii and Xbox 360. With some retailers selling out of their Kinect pre-orders and the Wii going through a launch shortage, it could happen.