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New Story Details Emerge For Star Wars: The Old Republic

by Matt Miller on Feb 26, 2010 at 11:05 AM

The website for Star Wars: The Old Republic received two new updates recently, giving gamers a further glimpse into what they can expect to find in the upcoming Bioware MMO.

The first update is a brand new look at the planet of Taris, a location that will be familiar to any devoted player of the original KOTOR. Taris was destroyed 300 years ago by Darth Malak during the events of the first Knights game. Now, the Republic is eager to recolonize the devastated planet, and players will have a chance to return to the overgrown ruins to begin the process. Along the way, it will be hard to avoid meeting up with some old friends - the mutated rakghouls that once filled the sewers now run rampant across the fallen city planet.  A detailed video on Taris can be seen at the game's official website.

A second update presents a new chapter in the ongoing Threat of Peace webcomic, a cooperative project between LucasArts, BioWare, and Dark Horse Comics. The comic acts as a prequel to events in the upcoming game, and this latest update concludes the current storyline. For Star Wars lore enthusiasts, it's more than worth a look.

Star Wars: The Old Republic seems to have a lot of awesome ideas fueling its development. Is it the MMO to watch in the next couple of years?