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New Nintendo Console? Not Anytime Soon

by Joe Juba on Feb 25, 2010 at 07:35 AM

According to Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway, the Wii's successor is still a long way off. In a recent interview, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales and marketing mentioned that a new console from Nintendo isn't likely in the near future. When asked when it will be time for new hardware, Dunaway responded:

"I don't think it'll be anytime soon. Because even though our install base is, at this point, 5 million households larger than the PS2 install base was at the same point in its lifecycle, it still has a lot of room to grow. If think PS2, there's been about 50 million sold. Wii, close to 28 million sold. So, that says to me there's still a big audience out there we can access with Wii."

While that statement may dash your hopes for a next-gen Wii in the near future, it certainly doesn't preclude the possibility of an improved version of the current system. Given Nintendo's history of iterating on its consoles (especially handhelds), there's still a chance we'll see a redesigned Wii with some new capabilities before the next generation of consoles is upon us.

Source: Gamespot