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Left 4 Dead 2 Sells 2 Million In 2 Weeks, DLC News Coming

by Tim Turi on Dec 01, 2009 at 05:05 AM

Valve’s second wave of animated corpses infected the gaming population just two weeks ago. We knew the damage would be widespread, and now Valve confirms that two million Left 4 Dead 2 units have been sold since the game’s initial outbreak.

"Left 4 Dead 2 is off to a great start with strong support at retail and great reviews from the press," said Valve's marketing VP, Doug Lombardi. "Meanwhile the title has already been played by over 1 million Xbox LIVE Gold account holders, and news regarding L4D2 DLC 1 is coming very soon."

News of DLC coming soon should be heartening for hardened zombie-slayers who’ve all but swept the South clean of infected. We can’t help but wonder what the online numbers look like for Valve’s digital distribution service, Steam. Regardless, if we can count on 1 million dedicated survivors during the actual zombie apocalypse, we might stand a chance.

Has your friends list been teeming with throngs of gamers taking their chainsaws and grenade launchers to thousands of meat-targets? How do you think news of L4D2’s upcoming DLC will be received by gamers who cried out against Valve for releasing the sequel a year after the original?