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Dragon Age Codes Not Working? Don't Be So Sure

by Jeff Cork on Nov 03, 2009 at 06:10 AM

Right after I picked up Dragon Age: Origins this morning, I opened up the game case and got ready to punch my DLC codes into, so it would be all queued up for me when I got home. One look at the code, and I noticed something was up. Instead of showing the familiar 25-character string of nonsense, the codes on the enclosed card only featured 16 characters. Punching it into the site gave me a nice little "invalid code" message, but little in the way of satisfaction.

That's when I did what I should have done all along: I read the instructions on the code. Oops. It looks like you have to enter this code from within the game itself. For the first time ever, reading instructions actually paid off. Who could have guessed?