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BioWare Unveils Dragon Age’s Launch DLC

by Jeff Cork on Oct 08, 2009 at 05:29 AM

Dragon Age: Origins (reviewed here) doesn’t hit store shelves until November 3, but here we are talking about DLC (not that we’re complaining). BioWare today released info on the first batch of downloadable extras for the upcoming RPG, and it doesn’t seem as though the three packs will cost a lot of loot — provided you buy it new.

The first pack, the Stone Prisoner, adds a golem named Shale to the player’s party. In addition to his puntastic name, Shale is said to be “mighty” and “one of the most powerful party members in the game.” Even if he’s a tremendous letdown, he brings his own backstory and questline to the game, including new environments, items and hours of extra gameplay. If you buy the game new, the Stone Prisoner is available at no cost via a handy download code bundled in each copy. Everyone else will have to cough up $15 (or 1,200 Microsoft Points).

Next up is the Warden’s Keep, a pack that includes a new dungeon, a base with merchants, a party chest, the chance to get two of six new abilities, and loot that includes a set of Grey Warden armor. It all ties into Dragon Age’s lore, which BioWare was kind enough to explain: “The Warden’s Keep adventure is based on an ancient myth in the Dragon Age universe, where two centuries ago the legendary guardians known as the Grey Wardens were expelled from the land amidst a storm of blood and betrayal. Until very recently, the Wardens have been in exile, while their fortress remains overgrown and reportedly haunted. Over the long years, legends of great treasures and forgotten lore have been told of this hidden location, but no one has ever ventured there and returned alive. Warden’s Keep gives gamers the chance to unearth this lost chapter of Grey Warden history. With their trusty party and a new guide, Dragon Age: Origins players will have an opportunity to unravel the mystery behind the fall of Warden’s Keep, and finally reclaim it for the order.” The DLC will be available for $7 (560 Microsoft Points) or at no cost for customers who purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition.

The Blood Dragon Armor DLC is refreshingly simple. The download includes a set of themed armor. For protection. It’ll be available exclusively with new copies of the game. OK, there's a little twist: once downloaded, it'll also be available for use in Mass Effect 2.