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test chamber

Test Chamber – Taking Them Down Limb By Limb In Attack On Titan

by Kyle Hilliard on Aug 30, 2016 at 02:21 PM

The creators of Dynasty Warriors take on the Attack on Titan franchise, and it strangely has more in common with a Spider-Man video game than the battlefield beat-em-ups for which the the studio is known.

Join Suriel Vazquez (who is familiar with the source material) and me (who is less familiar) as we bypass the introductory tutorial and get right to the meat of the game by taking down a handful of strange, gigantic, asexual naked creatures. We show off the impressive navigation and fast-paced combat, which feels a bit like a version of Spider-Man who isn't afraid to carry two swords with him to every battle and use them to lop off limbs.

In the video I note the game is coming to PlayStation 4 – that's absolutely true, but the game is also coming to Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 3, and Vita and will be available Tuesday, August 30.

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