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Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires Review

A Flavorless Grindfest
by Andrew Reiner on Sep 22, 2009 at 02:03 PM
Reviewed on PlayStation 3
Also on Xbox 360
Publisher Koei
Developer Omega Force
Rating Teen

In this iteration of the long-running series, developer Omega Force opens its arms to the role-playing crowd with a healthy injection of Risk-like strategies, character ability customization, and side missions devoted to leveling your general and army. While weapons reach their max level too quickly, the new strategies and RPG-inspired systems make this tired, old series interesting and fun again. That is until you step on the battlefield. Even with a wide array of enemies (ranging from archers to wolves) the wars are flavorless grindfests against foes who rarely do anything other than stare deep into your blood-covered soul. Mowing down wave after wave of comatose fodder kills any chance of this game's strategies having any meaning. An overhaul on the battlefield is sorely needed.

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Dynasty Warriors 6: Empirescover

Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
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