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GI Protip #1: Friends & Activity

by Nick Ahrens on Oct 03, 2009 at 05:39 PM

Once again, I'd like to welcome you to the new Game Informer website! There's a lot to do here beyond reading the great daily content from editors so I thought I'd take some time to give users some quick tips. There are two resources already available you will want to check out. The Game Informer Writers Guild features a great wiki on using the advanced blogging features available to you, the user. Editor Phil Kollar also wrote a great post about blogging you should also check out.

But what about the rest of the site? There is so much more to see and use. For this first pro tip, we're going to look at the Friends and Activity options on the site.

After you become friends with another user, there's a really easy way to see a list of what they're up to. Almost like a Twitter feed but it shows the last announcment from each of your friends. To see this, log into your profiile and click the Friends tab. Here you will see said list of friends and what they're up to.


Friend Activity
You can also check out what your friends have been up to beyond just the basic announcement. Maybe you want to jump into a conversation they have replied to in the forums. Or they just joined a clan/guild group and you're going to follow. To see this, click on the friend you want to view and then simply click on their Activity tab.


Site Activity
This is perhaps the coolest tracking feature on the site. At first glace, it would seem that this is just a giant feed of everything happening on the site. But in reality, it's a smart system just for you. This will show activity for not only all of your friends, but users that are also in the same groups that you are. This is one of the best tools for logging in and check out what's going on in your version of


Well that's all for now, check back often for more pro tips on the new!!!