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Supergirl Is Coming To Lego Dimensions, But Only As A PS4 Starter Pack Bonus

by Mike Futter on Aug 16, 2016 at 03:00 AM

Lego Dimensions is getting a couple of new DC heroes in its second year. We already know that Green Arrow is a limited edition convention exclusive and giveaway item. Now we know how you can get Supergirl.

One of Krypton's last survivors, Kara Zor-El's minifigure isn't going to be quite as elusive as the emerald archer's. She's won't be sold normally, though.

If you want Supergirl, you'll need to pick up a PlayStation 4 Lego Dimensions starter kit starting in late September and for a limited time only. There's no word yet if she'll be sold separately, though we've inquired and will follow-up when we visit WB's booth here at Gamescom if we haven't heard back before. Thankfully, the video above closes with a line that suggests that this is a timed exclusive and she may be available in other ways later.

Supergirl features similar abilities to Superman (who is sold in a "fun pack" with a vehicle). She can fly, use X-ray vision, and shoot heat beams from her eyes. 

Additionally, Supergirl can transform into a Red Lantern version of herself. This allows her to use Red Lantern constructs and fire energy bolts and beams from her ring.

If you don't get your hands on the minifigure, you can still play as Supergirl using Lego Dimensions' Rent-a-Hero feature. This allows you to use characters for a limited time.

Lego Dimensions won't be getting a new starter pack this year, other than this pack-in. Instead, you'll be able to purchase new sets that work with your existing disk and gateway. The first of year two's four waves arrives on September 27, with another wave slated for November 18.

For more Lego Dimensions, check out our coverage from E3.


Our Take
As a Lego Dimensions player and collector, this feels a bit unfriendly to fans who were along for the ride throughout year one. Hopefully, we'll find out that there will be other ways for existing fans to get their hands on Supergirl.