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Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior 11/06/2015

by Parker Lemke on Nov 06, 2015 at 01:00 PM

Fallout 4 comes out next week, meaning many us have only a few days left to dedicate to other games before Bethesda’s juggernaut devours our lives. The Game Informer crew has a full weekend planned taking part in the Extra Life 2015 Livestream. How about you? Tell us what you plan to play before wandering into The Commonwealth.

Tim Turi (@timturi) – This weekend I’ll be joining in with a ton of the Game Informer staff for Extra Life 2015. We have a lot of awesome stuff people can win, from an Xbox One Elite Bundle to copies of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Come for the prizes, stay for the 24 hours of wackiness for a good cause.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I'll be playing the game of trying to stay awake during our red hot Extra Life marathon stream! Tune in, donate at, and join the fun! I'll probably be playing some Yo-Kai Watch on my 3DS when I get the chance, and the rest of the time will be devoted to playing games on camera or manning the control room. Tune in!

Joseph Knoop (@JosephKnoop) – Extra Life fo’ days. OK, really it’s just 25 hours, but it’ll be a blast. Hopefully I’ll get to play some cool games and eat too much junk food AKA the nectar of life. Stay tuned for a surprise guest on the Pictionary hour.

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM) – This weekend I hope to check out some Black Ops III. I haven’t played either of the first two games, but according to Tack the single-player campaign is totally bonkers, and I’m (perhaps morbidly) curious to see just how crazy it gets. Oh yeah, there’s also that Extra Life thing – watch me play Pictionary in the middle of the night!

Mike Futter (@futterish) – Having just finished Halo 5 and holding off on Fallout 4 until Thanksgiving (which is when I’ll be able to focus exclusively on it), I’m in a weird holding pattern for the next week or so. I have a couple of games that released earlier this year I want to dabble with to see what hooks me. On my list are The Witcher 3, Divinity: Original Sin, and Axiom Verge. I might also play a bit of Halo 5 multiplayer in between.

Parker Lemke (@ParkerLemke) – I need to spend quality time with several games before Fallout 4 nukes my free time come November 10. My goals for the weekend include polishing off Axiom Verge and continuing my quest in Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian’s love letter to old-school isometric RPGs.

Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7) – I finally beat Witcher 3! I don’t know what to do with my life now. What I am sure of is that I’m crashing early tonight. Need to rest up to become the game playing, charity raising, son of a gun Team Game Informer needs for Extra Life on Saturday. I haven’t totally nailed down my plan of attack, but Yoshi’s Woolly World and Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and Shadow the Hedgehog (you read that right) are front runners. Be sure to tune in and donate!