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[Update] Bungie Clarifies Destiny's Patch Problems, Including How To Get Your Subclass Emblems

by Mike Futter on Sep 10, 2015 at 07:52 AM

Update: Bungie's Luke Smith has clarified some details about the currently rewardless faction quests and subclass emblems. As stated in our original story, the faction quests will not kick out rewards until The Taken King launches on September 15.

A number of users reported that they weren't getting their subclass emblems from completing the new quest lines. Smith says that this is working as intended. Emblems will be earned from PvP quests starting on September 15. 

Note: Since posting this update, Bungie has added a note to its original post upon which the original story (below) was predicated. This outlines exactly what's going on with subclass emblems.

"There appears to be some confusion surrounding the new sub-class emblems that can be found in the Emblem Collection," Bungie writes. "The new emblems, which can be found under The Taken King sub-heading, are new emblems that require the completion of certain content and/or Bounties that will be released when Destiny: The Taken King launches. Players who complete their new sub-class Quests do not qualify for these emblems yet. There will more steps to complete, starting on September 15."

Original Story (September 10, 2015, at 8:39 a.m.): 

There are a lot of fixes, content updates, and improvements in Destiny’s massive 17 GB update that was released earlier this week. Unfortunately, there are a few bugs that are lingering.

Bungie has acknowledged a handful of issues that were introduced by the patch. Thankfully, two of them will be automatically resolved when The Taken King arrives on September 15.

Here’s the full list of known issues:

  • Some players are able to access Emblems and Shaders from the Weapons Pack, SUROS Arsenal Pack and Collector's Edition Exotic Guardian Class Items before 9/15/2015. All items will be made available to eligible players on 9/15/2015. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion that may have been caused.
  • We're aware of an issue where Patrols and Faction-specific Quests are not granting the expected rewards upon completion. These rewards will be granted as expected for these activities starting on 9/15/2015. Patrols and Faction-specific Quests completed before this time will not retroactively grant rewards.
  • We're aware of an issue where players may experience a Destiny application crash/freeze when multiple status effects are active. We're actively investigating this matter. 
  • Xbox One players who have purchased The Taken King Collector's Edition Upgrade via the in-game prompt are unable to install the added content at this time. We're aware of this matter and are actively investigating.

In short, do NOT do your subclass quests right now. Those were introduced in the patch this week, but will not yield rewards. As of now, Bungie is saying that these won’t be given retroactively next week.

Should any of this change, we’ll let you know. Today’s Thursday, which means the weekly update could reveal more details.

 [Source: Bungie]


Our Take
I’m glad I saw this, as I was plugging away on my Sunsinger quest line. Nice to know I can put that aside for now (and that I didn’t mess up and lose a potential reward).