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Weekend Warrior 03/22/13

by Louis Garcia on Mar 22, 2013 at 02:00 PM

Editors are finishing games to prepare for the arrival of BioShock Infinite next week, but it may be hard to stay indoors with the weather warming up in Minnesota.

Ben Hanson: This weekend I'll continue to play Lego City Undercover. I feel sorry for any kids or cartoon aficionados that own a Wii U and aren't playing it. Other than that, I hope to continue playing Luigi's Mansion on the 3DS. Good times!

Bryan Vore: I really can’t wait for BioShock Infinite! In the meantime I’m going to power through God of War: Ascension this weekend. I’m already a good seven chapters in and the production values are ridiculous. I know people are down on this entry, but I’m enjoying it so far.

Louis Garcia: I’m going to be in my homeland of Wisconsin this weekend, but I’ll be thinking about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate the entire time. The Wii U platform is perfect for the series: the Game Pad keeps the screen free of health bars, the map, and general clutter; the HD upgrade was a long time coming; and the built-in mic is much better than the Wii Speak peripheral, making it easy to converse with everyone online. Why am I going home? 

Matt Kato: Started Tomb Raider, and so far I think it's pretty fun. I hope to play it more this weekend before BioShock Infinite hits next week. I'd love it if I could keep playing Tomb Raider at that time, but who knows. Traditionally I like to have a few games going at once so I can play whatever feels right at that moment, but I also want to devote my attention to BioShock and not give Tomb Raider the short shrift. Either way, I feel confident that I'll finish Tomb Raider at some point.

Tim Turi: This weekend I hope to finally finish up Lara Croft’s shipwrecked adventure in Tomb Raider, and maybe continue hunting beasts in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. I’ll be traveling this weekend, so that means I’ll have my 3DS handy for on-the-road Monster Hunter and maybe some Dead Space iOS or New Super Mario Bros. 2

Jeff Marchiafava: The past two weeks I’ve been torn between playing indie PC games and a couple of giant open-world console games. The result? I’ve mostly just spaced out and played Super Stickman Golf 2. Next week I plan on starting Tomb Raider, so hopefully this weekend I can finish off either Red Faction: Guerrilla or FTL. That or I’ll just continue improving my golf game.