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Weekend Warrior 6/8/12

by Ali Rapp on Jun 08, 2012 at 02:00 PM

Most of us are feeling burned out by E3, so we're taking advantage of the post-event lull to do other things like read, see our friends and family...and play video games, of course.

Jeff Cork: Spending all week thinking, writing, and talking about video games has taken its toll. I’m going to read a book or something.

Ali Rapp: I'll be in my (very rural) hometown this weekend and I hear the weather's supposed to be beautiful, so I'll probably do a lot of lounging around outside. I'm hoping to watch my mom wrap up Skyward Sword, too. Oh, and I should probably finish the Ico: Castle in the Mist book I borrowed from the library. They're starting to get huffy with me. Who do they think they are?

Ben Hanson: This weekend I won't have much time for gaming as I'll be in LA until Saturday afternoon for this whole E3 thing. On the flight back I will most likely continue playing (brace for it) Pokemon SoulSilver. Once I get back home I have an odd urge to play Rayman Origins again and possibly (after playing Rock Band Blitz) even a dabble of Frequency.

Jack Gardner: On Saturday I'll be celebrating my nephews' birthdays at my brother's house. Come Sunday, I will be eating some delicious, delectable appetizers at Old Chicago to celebrate a friend's acquisition of her degree. Gaming-wise, I'll be finishing up Uncharted 2 (late to the party, I know) and starting El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron.

Jeff Marchiafava
: After spending E3 week running around and looking at games like a chicken with his head cut off...(who also likes games?), I don't plan on playing anything this weekend. Then again, I might check in on my Tiny Tower, as my hard-working renters have never let me down.

Joe Juba: I probably won't have a ton of free time this weekend, but the time I have will hopefully be spent finishing Asura's Wrath. I also plugged in my old Super Nintendo a while ago, so I'm thinking about reloading some old end-game saves in Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (VI) just for the fun of it.

Kyle Hilliard: I feel asleep!!